Accessibility Statement

"NewsNow" supports and advocates for fair access to the internet for users with a range of disabilities and those who use assistive technologies to use a computer.

Site Accessibility

This website complies with the requirements of the Equal Rights Regulations for People with Disabilities (Service Accessibility Adaptations), 2013.

The site complies with the recommendations of the Israeli standard (T"5568) for content accessibility on the Internet at level AA and the recommendations of the WCAG2.0 document by the W3C organization. Also, adapted for display in common browsers and for use on the cell phone.

We have added an accessibility component that allows:

  • Increasing the font on the site
  • Reduce the font on the site
  • Showing illumination in black and white monochrome
  • Displaying the website in high contrast
  • Highlighting links throughout the site
  • Changing the site's font to the more readable Ariel font
  • Keyboard navigation on the website
  • Blocking animation that interferes with reading
  • Large marker for accessibility


If you run into an accessibility issue when using the website, please let us know and we'll do our best to address it as soon as possible.

Email to: team @